Cashew Nuts

          The Cashew nut (also called Bombay nut) is a popular nut among consumers. The cashew nut comes originally from Brazil. Remarkably enough, explorers from Portugal who first discovered the nut took the cashew tree to different countries. Nowadays, the cashew tree can be found in Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya, India and Brazil. where they have long been viewed as a delicacy. More recently, cashews have become popular throughout the world for their delicate flavor and extraordinary health benefits. 

          Manufacturers always sell cashews in their shelled state, as part of the shell contains a resin that is not safe for consumption. However, it is possible to purchase raw cashews, roasted cashews, or cashews that have been seasoned with various flavorings. This means you can use them as a snack or as an addition to salads, smoothies, stir-fries and other meals. With each serving of cashews, you harness incredible health benefits that set them apart from other nuts.

The shell of the cashew nut contains oil compounds which may cause contact dermatitis similar in severity to that of poison ivy, primarily resulting from the phenolic lipids, anacardic acid, and cardanol. Due to the possible dermatitis, cashews are typically not sold in the shell to consumers.
A popular ingredient finding its way into many Indian gravies, cashew - a plant originating from Brazil, is a nut high in minerals. Brought to India by traders, the cashew tree grows up to exceptional heights having a rather irregular trunk. Hanging from the branches are large juicy apples at the bottom of which are attached the cashew nut. Made available round the year, the nut has a great shelf life if stored properly. The nut and the fruit, both have multiple uses. The nut, often known as the poor man’s plantation although now it is sold for steep prices, is used to make delectable and rich curries and also roasted and eaten dry. They are an intrinsic part of our festive celebrations too.

Cashew apples

The Cashew Tree is a tropical evergreen tree that produces the cashew seed and the cashew apple. It can grow as high as 14 m, but the dwarf cashew, growing up to 6 m, has proved more profitable, with earlier maturity and higher yields..

The Cashew Apple grows on a tropical tree of about 12 to 15 metres high. The cashew nut grows on the cashew apple. Sometimes more than one cashew nut grows on a single cashew apple. As a matter of fact, the cashew apple, which may vary in colour from yellow to red, is edible. It can also be made into cashew juice.

Intensive processing

The cashew nut requires very intensive processing. First of all, the cashew nut is roasted in the hull to make it possible to crack it. Subsequently, the nut is cracked, sometimes still by hand in some countries. The cashew nut remains, but there is still a skin around it that has to be removed by hand. This is one of the reasons that the cashew nut is expensive.

Nutritional value

The cashews grown in tropical regions contain more selenium than European or North American cashews, because of the soil in which they grow. Cashews are a good source of magnesium and phosphorus. Magnesium plays an important role in the strengthening of the bones and in the activity of enzymes. They also contain iron. Iron is an important part of haemoglobin, an elementary component of red blood cells. Red blood cells transport oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.


  • Cashew - a plant originating from Brazil, is a nut high in minerals.
  • The nut and the fruit, both have multiple uses.
  • Cashew nuts are rich in copper, zinc, magnesium, iron and phosphorous.
  • Cashews help lower LDL and increase the carrying capacity for HDL.
  • Studies show that nut intake has beneficial effects on oxidative stress.
  • Cashew nuts are a good source of Copper, deficiency of which can lead to Anemia.
  • Cashews contains a powerful antioxidant pigment called Zea Xanthin, which is directly absorbed by our retina. 
  • Cashews also helps prevent cancer with high percentage of selenium.
  • Inclusion of nuts in your regular diet leads to little or no weight gain. 
  • Cashews should be taken moderately for its benefits since excessive consumption may cause bloating.
  • Copper present in cashew nut oil helps produce melanin, which is essential to hair growth. 

What are the health benefits of eating cashew nuts?

The National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) in its case study points out that nuts are likely to be beneficial for health, keeping a check on various ailments, such as heart disease.Studies consistently show that nut intake has a cholesterol-lowering effect, in the context of healthy diets, and there is emerging evidence of beneficial effects on oxidative stress, inflammation, and vascular reactivity.
Contrary to the popular belief that it can make you gain fat, a considerable amount of cashews in your diet can provide you with many health benefits -

Below listed are the benefits of Cashew Nuts.

  • Prevents Cancer
  • Healthy Heart
  • Lowers High Blood Pressure
  • Protects the Eye
  • Good for the Skin
  • Helps in Weight Loss
  • Source of Dietary Fibres
  • Healthy and Shiny Hair
  • Healthy Bones
  • Prevents Gallstones
